Tuesday, April 1, 2008


April 1, 2008
Dear St. Paul’s Family,
Believe me when I tell you this is no April Fool’s joke:  
St. Paul’s UMC has finally paid off its mortgage debt!

At tonight’s Finance Committee meeting, we determined that there is now ample money in our Sanctuary Renovation Fund to finish paying the mortgage on the sanctuary and campus renovations.  After a dozen years and over $800,000 of renovations, St. Paul’s is debt-free!  No joke!
This has been accomplished through your generosity and faithful giving over these many years. But all of the credit goes to the God who guided this church to fulfilling a vision for its future, and empowering it to completion.  With wholehearted acclamation, we join in saying, “Thanks be to God!”
Now we gaze into the future and look to God’s Spirit to guide us toward our next steps. Here are some quick answers to questions you may have about this wonderful development:
Q.  What has been paid off?

A.  We have just finished paying off the $400,000 note that completed $840,000 in sanctuary renovations, roof repairs, street assessment, elevator installation, and other necessary campus renovation projects. After nearly a dozen years, and thanks to God’s faithfulness and your generosity, we are free of that debt!
Q.  How will this be officially celebrated?

A.  We will be observing a “burning of the mortgage” as part of our worship service on April 27.  That is Confirmation Sunday, and the theme for the service is “Faith: From Generation to Generation.” What a gift to pass on to the future generations of the church!
Q.  I’ve made a pledge toward the sanctuary fund for the rest of the year.  Should I still give?

A.  With the sanctuary debt now relieved, we can be better prepared for major needs and opportunities as they arise.
The Finance Committee is renaming the Sanctuary Renovation Fund to the Next Generation Fund, which will be used to pursue major opportunities for future growth and improvement for the church.  We would encourage you to continue to give to this fund at your current level. Even though the pledge envelopes will continue to use the name Sanctuary Fund, know that your gifts will go to this new fund.  If you have any questions, contact Sarah Cook, our Financial Secretary.  
Q.  Now that the sanctuary’s been paid off, what’s next?

A.  We can’t wait to see what God has in store! The 20/20 Vision Team is well into its process of discerning the long-term future of the church and recommending the next steps we are to take.  The congregation will formally approve their plan at this fall’s Charge Conference, and it will likely include recommendations for future building or renovation projects.  The recent congregational survey will guide their discernment, and there will be more opportunities in the next few months for you to give your opinions.
Once again, thank you for what you have accomplished together.  Let us give thanks to God!  
Grace and Peace,


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