Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter!

March 25, 2008

Dear St. Paul’s Family

Christ is risen!  Christ is risen, indeed!

First of all, a word of celebration.  Over the course of four days, from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday, we had a combined attendance of over 450 for all four worship services, including over 300 on Easter morning!  Thanks to the Chancel Choir and all the people who served as ushers, greeters, and communion servers for a job well done in welcoming all of our guests.  This was the place to be in Cherokee for celebrating the risen Christ!

Now we can move on to the business of living into the resurrection.  I can remember as a college student going through a period of doubt about my Christian convictions.  I struggled over even the most basic matters of the faith – the existence of God, the veracity of the Scriptures, and the purpose of the church.  But eventually, what brought me back to the faith was the resurrection.  In my rational, scientific mind, I figured, “Well, if they ever found the body of Jesus, that’s when I’ll let this faith stuff go.  But until then, I’ll keep believing.”

I still consider that to be a reasonable argument, but I have since discovered an even greater burden of proof.  Living proof, in fact.  I have come to realize that resurrection is not just a one-time event in the past, relegated exclusively to the person of Jesus.  It is an ongoing reality, in which God is constantly brings new life and new possibilities out of dead ends and hopeless causes.   God elicits promise and peace out of situations that seem chaotic and desperate.  

God is still, as ever before, in the resurrection business.  There is proof all around us.

In fact, there is proof within you.  This Sunday we start a new sermon series that will carry us through the Great Fifty Days of Easter, called
“Living Proof:  Making the Resurrection a Reality in Your Life.” It is based on the classic seven virtues of the Christian faith, which are marks for every life transformed by the power and love of the risen Christ.  As we go through this series, ask yourself how you are doing in expressing each of these virtues, and look for ways for the Spirit of Christ to raise your spiritual life to new heights.

This would also be a great series to which you can invite a friend.  Share this journey with them, as I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

Happy Easter!


Living Proof:

Living in Light of the Resurrection

March 30
Wisdom:  Is It Okay to Doubt?
John 20:19-31

April 6
Self-Control:  Avoiding Fatal Attractions
1 Corinthians 9:1-27

April 13
Love:  What Matters Most
1 John 3:1-24

April 20
Justice:  God’s Remedy for a Broken World
Amos 5:1-27

April 27
Faith:  From Generation to Generation
Hebrews 11
(Confirmation Sunday)

May 4
Hope:  You Will Receive Power!
Acts 1:1-11
(Ascension Sunday)

May 11
Courage:  Fulfilling God’s Purpose
Acts 2:1-21
(Pentecost Sunday)

Thanks to everyone for making our Easter Brunch such a success.  We had a steady stream of people throughout the morning, and the youth program wishes to thank you for giving over $300 of donations, which will go toward the sanctuary renovation fund.  Thank you to those who brought in numerous breakfast goods as well.  

On April 13 we will once again be receiving a special offering for Larry and Jane Kies, United Methodist missionaries to Zimbabwe.  They are instructors at Africa University educating people in English and agriculture.  Your generosity to this faithful couple has been wonderful over the years, and we look forward to sending them additional support this year.  Your gifts will assist the church in giving toward the Iowa Conference Rainbow Covenant Missions Program, so thank you for your prayerful, generous spirit.

If you missed any of the worship services from last week, including Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, or Easter Sunday, audio recordings are available by request.  Contact the church office for more information.

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