Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Flood Recovery Update

June 25, 2014

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

On more than one occasion over the past week, I have heard people say, “I have now lived through three 100-year floods in my lifetime.”  Since 2011, and as most recently as last week, we have seen this three times:  torrential rains swelling the Little Sioux River and surrounding creeks to above flood stage, closing major roads in and out of town, and causing many sleepless nights for our residents.

Fortunately, this time was nowhere near the devastation of last summer.  While many residents got water in our basements, we have been able to recover, at least for now.  I have been in close contact with City Hall to assess the need for volunteers to be dispatched throughout the area, and they have advised me that at this time, no one is in need of assistance.  This is all good news, and a trend that we hope continues.

Nevertheless, your United Methodist Church has been ready and able with a response.  A handful of the flood recovery buckets that we still had on hand from last summer have been distributed through the local fire department.  And if you or someone you know is in need of one, you can contact the fire station directly.  Most of the remaining 60+ buckets that we have in storage will be picked up and distributed across Northwest Iowa, to communities like Hawarden, Rock Rapids, and Rock Valley.  They have been devastated with the swelling of the Rock River, and they are suffering damage much like we did last summer.  

I believe it is no coincidence that our text for last Sunday was from Acts 4:32-37, as we continue our journey through the history of the early church.  It was a reminder of who we have been – and who we are called to be – as a generous, self-sacrificial force in our communities and throughout the world:

The community of believers was one in heart and mind. None of them would say, “This is mine!” about any of their possessions, but held everything in common. The apostles continued to bear powerful witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and an abundance of grace was at work among them all. There were no needy persons among them. Those who owned properties or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds from the sales, and place them in the care and under the authority of the apostles. Then it was distributed to anyone who was in need.  

It is in that spirit that I offer you two ways to assist with the flood recovery of devastated communities throughout Northwest Iowa.  The first is to consider replenishing our supply of flood recovery buckets by assembling and donating one of your own.  A list of required contents is available on the United Methodist Committee on Relief website:  http://www.umcor.org/UMCOR/Relief-Supplies/Relief-Supply-Kits/Cleaning.  Those of you helped with flood relief last year know how invaluable those buckets were to people who had lost a great deal.  You can drop your bucket off at the church, and if you wish, we can credit your giving statement with a $55 non-cash donation, which is the estimated value of each bucket.  

Second, let me know if you would be willing to serve on a recovery team to one of the devastated communities at some point over the next several weeks.  Our Conference Disaster coordinator is working closely with churches and civic leaders in those towns, and we should receive word fairly soon when conditions are right for teams to come in and help with clean up and recovery.  Your efforts could truly put God’s love into action and make a real difference in the lives of hurting people.

Thank you, St. Paul’s family, for being the church.

Grace and Peace,


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA  51012
Ph:  712-225-3955

Thank you to all those who helped make Vacation Bible School such a smashing success again this year!  Last week, our campus was teeming with about 75 kids, all learning by the love of Jesus in an fun, exciting way.  Thanks to Korrie Waldner and her team for spearheading our efforts this year, and to all of you who donated time and materials for the cause.  Finally, we are grateful to report that between the kids’ offering and your matching contributions, we raised $1,445 for both the Heifer Project and our missionaries to Africa, Larry and Jane Kies.  Thank you, St. Paul’s!

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