Monday, September 2, 2013

A Prayer for Syria

September 3, 2013

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

We join with others around the world witnessing the atrocities committed in Syria, particularly troubled by the alleged use of chemical weapons against its own citizens.  As President Barack Obama and leaders in Washington debate possible military intervention, we unite with people of faith around the world praying for a peaceful resolution and an end to the violence. 

Pope Francis has designated this Saturday, September 7, as a worldwide day of prayer for the situation in Syria.  To that end, I offer my own prayerful reflection, which may guide your own thoughts throughout the week.

“The Lion Roars Again”

The Lord has said to me:
When the lion growls,
    the young lion, over its prey,
    though a band of shepherds is summoned against it,
    isn’t scared off by their noise
    or frightened by their roar.
So the Lord of heavenly forces will go down
    to fight on Mount Zion and on her hill.
Like birds flying aloft,
    so the Lord of heavenly forces will shield Jerusalem:
    shielding and saving, sparing and rescuing.  (Isaiah 31:4-5)

Spirit of God, and Source of True Peace,

The lion roars again.

We watch unfolding events in Syria and gasp at atrocities committed by leaders and rebels, by militia and civilians, and we fear for them.  Like helpless sheep, they hear the growl of violence, that inner stir that causes them to rise up against each other, with a lust for supremacy in a perpetual fog of self-protection.  By the thousands, they fall dead:  cruel victims of more than modern weapons and wicked hearts, but also the notion that violence  must be fought with violence.  

Their proud and noble history is hunted by this prowling lion, this predatory cycle of violence that has gripped humanity since the beginning:

Cain against Abel,
     Jacob against Esau,
          Siblings against Joseph,
               Judas against Jesus,
                    Brother against Brother.

Their struggle exemplifies the complexity of the human heart.  We confess that all of us, to some degree, long for a security that endures, but often falls prey to the roaring lion of redemptive violence.  And so, hearing that same roar, we too are tempted by war.  We sense the allure to attack. To summon “bands of shepherds,” whose brandished weaponry and clamoring blare, we believe, will vanquish the bloodshed with greater bloodshed. 

But the lion “isn’t scared off by their noise or frightened by their roar.”

Therefore, as the prophet summons, so we entreat you:  descend upon us as "birds flying aloft."  Grant to us a way through the violence that is greater than our earthly means.  Show the people of Syria, and all of us, the way of true peace. 

Through laying down arms, not taking them up. 
     Through seeing your face in the eyes of each other,
          rather than hearing the lion in each other’s voice.
               Through sacrifice for the common good, not a lust for supremacy. 
                    Through diplomacy and international pressure, not unilateral military action. 
                         Through forgiveness, not revenge.

Match the forces of wickedness with these mighty forces of your kingdom, and

          Spare, and
                    All your people. 

O God, we ask your blessing upon our President, and leaders of all countries, as they weigh the heavy matters of this time.  Forgive us for entrusting to our human institutions the responsibility of providing a peace that only you can provide.  And may all of us be conduits of that same peace, in the way we treat one another.  Teach us to live by this enduring hope, and by the promise of your ultimate vision: 

The lion roars again. 

But it will lie down the Lamb someday.

So be it.  Amen. 


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA  51012
Ph:  712-225-3955

We continue our sermon series on the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul with a return to our regular Sunday morning schedule.  Sunday school begins at 9:00am and worship starts at 10:10, with the children’s sermon resuming as part of our service.  We hope to see you there!

Starting this week, we are excited to offer the following small group opportunities for our youth:
Senior High Teen Time, Grades 9-12:  Starts tomorrow, Wednesday, September 4.  6:30-8:00pm, at the home of Craig and Monica Schmidt.
7th-8th Grade Small Group:  Starts Wednesday, September 11.  6:30-7:30pm, led by Diane Rochleau at the church.  Food and refreshments provided.
5th-6th Grade Small Group:  Starts Wednesday, September 11.  6:30-7:30pm, led by Nicci Lundquist at the church.  Food and refreshments provided.

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