Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Valentine's Day Prayer

February 14, 2012

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

Given the timely connection of today’s message with St. Valentine’s Day, here’s a prayer I wrote asking blessing upon you and those you love. Happy Valentine’s Day.


Eternal God of Love and Grace,

In your very being we discover the essence of relational, triune love. For you are the Lover, the Beloved, and the Love that Flows Between Them. As one created in your image, empower me today to be a person of deeper love, with heart, soul, mind, and strength, both for you and for those around me.

On this day commercialized by chocolates, flowers, and candy hearts, grant me an authentic love, stripped free of selfish desire and plastic facade, forged from a view of myself as you see me.

Enable me to forgive and to ask for forgiveness, that I may share in the reconciling work of Jesus throughout creation. Teach me to harbor no ill will or resentment for wrongs done to me. And may the fixed presence of hurtful memories wane in their effects.

Give me sober judgment in the way I practice love with those dearest to me. For with them I can be at my most vulnerable, but also my most guarded. Empower me and those I love to rebuild trust where it is broken, and openness where there is self-protection.

Help me to deepen the friendships I have with those who are most concerned for my well-being. Guide me in the development of relationships with those to whom I can be best accountable for my actions, who can offer me godly advice, who love me unconditionally, and who can speak the truth to me without judgment or reserve.

Grant to me a heightened awareness of those within my sphere of influence who feel both unloved and unlovable. Make me an agent of loving hospitality, embodying the warm, welcoming embrace of your love for them. Give me opportunities to reach out to those who are lonely, frightened, confused, and distraught, that I might be for them what others have been for me.

May you continue a love for me that is both tenacious and patient. Work past the harboring barriers that I have erected in my spirit, that prevent me from experiencing the free flow of your love in my life. See past my self-assuredness, work through my doubt and disbelief, be not deceived by my pride, and love me through my guilt and shame. For in your grace I can find my truest and best self, as one created in your very same relational, triune image.

I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Love Made Real,


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA 51012
Ph: 712-225-3955
Email: mdevega@sp-umc.org

We are excited to host the fourth annual Great Cherokee Pancake Day Race and Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, on February 21, 2012. The race starts at 5:30pm, with the brief worship service and pancake supper following. All proceeds will benefit the two local food pantries, to which we have given approximately $3,500 to date. To register by next Monday, visit pancakerace.com or pick up forms at the church or City Hall.

We finish our Ecclesiastes series this Sunday with an observance of Transfiguration Sunday. Come hear the conclusions of the author of Ecclesiastes, and experience the transformative power of Jesus Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. This Sunday will serve as an important transition point into our Lenten journey, so you won’t want to miss it.

To view past editions of the Mid-Week Message, visit http://mdevega.blogspot.com
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