Monday, April 18, 2011

Love at the Junction of Eternity

April 19, 2011

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

To Know Just How He Suffered
by: Emily Dickinson

To know just how he suffered would be dear;
To know if any human eyes were near
To whom he could intrust his wavering gaze,
Until it settled firm on Paradise.

To know if he was patient, part content,
Was dying as he thought, or different;
Was it a pleasant day to die,
And did the sunshine face his way?

What was his furthest mind, of home, or God,
Or what the distant say
At news that he ceased human nature
On such a day?

And wishes, had he any?
Just his sigh, accented,
Had been legible to me.
And was he confident until
Ill fluttered out in everlasting well?

And if he spoke, what name was best,
What first,
What one broke off with
At the drowsiest?

Was he afraid, or tranquil?
Might he know
How conscious consciousness could grow,
Till love that was, and love too blest to be,
Meet -- and the junction be Eternity?

On behalf of the staff and lay leadership of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, I wish you and yours a blessed Holy Week, a deeply moving Good Friday, and a joyous Easter celebration.

Grace and Peace,


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA 51012
Ph: 712-225-3955

Join us this week as we celebrate the power, passion, and drama of the last week of Jesus’ life:
· Maundy Thursday service, April 21, 7:00pm. Service of Remembrance and Holy Communion
· Good Friday service, April 22, 7:00pm. Service of Darkness, featuring the Chancel Choir
· Easter Morning, April 24. Identical services at 7am and 10:10am.

You are invited to join the youth as they sponsor an Easter brunch from 8:00 to 10:10 next Sunday. If you are interested in contributing a breakfast item, please contact Karla Wilkie. In addition, there is no children’s Sunday school that morning.

The following information comes from the District and Conference Disaster Coordinators, with ways for us to respond to the 27 tornadoes that touched down in our district about ten days ago.
· PRAYER: Please continue to pray for all the communities that have been affected, especially Mapleton, Early, Nemaha, Varina, Fonda, and all the farmers between those towns.
· OFFERING: Your financial assistance is greatly appreciated, and all of your gifts will go directly to support people in need. You can make your check payable to St. Paul’s and designate it for “Tornado Relief.”
· WATER: There is an urgent need for drinkable water for the communities of Varina, Nemaha and Mapleton. All sizes of containers can be dropped off at the church office, and we’ll make sure they get to the district office in Storm Lake for distribution.
· OTHER ITEMS: Heavy Duty Trash Bags, Work Gloves, Clean-Up Buckets, Cleaning Supplies, Power Washers with hose, (to loan with or with-out operators) and non-Perishable food items. For Mapleton in particular, there is a need for Clorox wipes, 1 Gallon ziplock bags, Liquid Nail, Caulking and caulking guns, Brooms and dustpans, Flashlights and "D" Batteries. Again, drop off the items at the church and we’ll make sure they are delivered.
· VOLUNTEERS: Your time and effort would be a huge help in recovery. We are considering taking a group next month, and if you are able, please let the church office know. Plan to wear sturdy shoes, gloves, and long sleeves. Because of the insulation in the air, a mask or respirator is recommended.

1 comment:

  1. Nice message about love:::
    Love. All my life I have read about it, dreamt of it, waited for it, cried for it, needed it. Now with you, I have found it.

    Sample Messages
