Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Together in Faith

November 16, 2010

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

Did you know that nearly forty years ago, the people of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church said a prayer for you? That’s right, you! During their worship service on October 24, 1971, the congregation included the following as part of their morning prayer:

For every opportunity for service in the spirit of Jesus in all the changing circumstances of our fast moving life, and to carry the spirit of Jesus to future generations, we pledge our loyalty to thee, O Lord, and our support to the church universal.

Our spiritual ancestors made a promise to God that they would be faithful to whatever God was calling them to do, to ensure that the faith was passed on to people like us. We have inherited the privilege of being part of that same family, and we have that same responsibility to ensure the faith for future generations.

Two years ago, this congregation adopted the 20/20 Vision Plan, which included among its goals a comprehensive renovation of the Education Wing. After more than a year of listening, studying, and planning, the Building Committee, along with critical feedback from you along the way, has put together an exciting plan to modernize our campus, emphasizing energy efficiency throughout the building.

It is now our turn to do for the next generation what our forerunners did for us: carry the spirit of Jesus to future generations.

That’s what this Capital Campaign is all about. It’s titled “Together in Faith: Building a Better Future,” and it invites us on a journey toward claiming God’s future for St. Paul’s. You may have already received the information brochures that detail both the General Budget and the Building Renovation. Please read through those materials and inform yourself with the details. In addition, here are ways that you can participate in this great adventure:

  • Join us this Sunday, November 21. You will receive a devotional booklet containing powerful articles written by members of the church who reflect on the question, “How have I witness God’s Love in Action through St. Paul’s?” In addition, Kevin Gowdy, our capital campaign consultant, will be our guest preacher.

  • Participate in one of the home-based small group gatherings that will begin next Monday, which will give you the most detailed look at the upcoming renovation and give you a chance to share your feedback. Sign up on an attendance form or on the tables in the narthex this Sunday, or you can e-mail Andrea Cook (acook@cherokeespumc.org). A full schedule is included below.

  • Celebrate with us on December 5, when we will offer our commitment cards to support the Capital Campaign and the annual Stewardship Campaign.

Just like forty years ago, you have a unique chance to “pledge your loyalty to God.” Join us for this great opportunity to share in the next great chapter of our life together, and to put God’s Love into Action.

Grace and Peace,


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA 51012
Ph: 712-225-3955

One of the most important ways you can participate in our building campaign is by attending one of the following home group gatherings. You will have a chance, in an informal setting, to learn more about the renovation project and ask questions. The time will last about an hour and a half and will begin with refreshments provided by the host family. The program will include an informative (and very entertaining!) 13-minute video, a brief stewardship Bible study, and a talk by one of our presenters. You’ll have a chance to ask questions, offer comments, and be better prepared to make your commitment on December 5.

Please sign up for one of the following groups, either by marking your preference on a bulletin attendance sheet, at the sign-up table in the narthex this Sunday, or by response to this e-mail or to Andrea Cook at acook@cherokeespumc.org If you have any special needs that would prevent you from attending one of these sessions, such as a ride or a sitter for your children, please contact our Special Needs Coordinator Sheree Hausmann or indicate it on your attendance form.

Mon, Nov 22 John and Kay O'Connor, 6:30pm
Mon, Nov 22 Tom & Corrine Lundell, 7:00pm
Tues, Nov 23 Evan and Nancy Knapp, 7:00pm
Mon, Nov 29 Roni Timmerman, 7:00pm
Mon, Nov 29 Gene & Jean Anderson, 7:00pm
Tues, Nov 30 Dick and Betty Point, 7:00pm
Wed, Dec 1 Jeff and Korrie Waldner (here at the church), 6:30pm
Wed, Dec 1 Marlin and Sherri Lode, 7:00pm

Following the service this Sunday, you are invited to join us downstairs in the Fellowship Hall for our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon. Turkey and all the fixings will be provided, and please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Next week the deVegas will be driving down to Florida to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and friends. They will be leaving this Friday and returning the Saturday after Thanksgiving. In the event of an emergency, please contact the church office.

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