Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Day of Christian Responsibility

November 30, 2010

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

In May 1961, the people of St. Paul’s embarked on a capital campaign called “We Build – to Mould Character.” After nearly three years of planning, leadership proposed a three-story addition to the eastern part of the church campus that would serve as a new Christian education facility. The pastor at the time was J.E. Feller, who wrote the following introduction to the campaign’s information booklet:

We of St. Paul’s Methodist Church are entering upon the first stage of a program whose ultimate goal is the realization of an educational building. Our expanding Sunday School and Church program of activities make this a crucial year in the life of our Church. Through this program we are merely seeking to measure up to the needs of the present and the hopes of the future as our forebears did in 1914. May we be worthy of their vision and their dedication.

This, then, is our challenge, and to meet it we must pool our resources of time, talent and substance. I know this is a busy season, but I also know that this is the time to go ahead. I ask each of you to make the sacrifices, of time and substances, which the accomplishment of this important program requires. Going forward with such dedication, we believe that God will not only crown our material efforts with complete success, but out of his boundless love he will “pour down for us an overflowing blessing.

This is OUR DAY of Christian Responsibility.

The campaign went very well. The new wing encompassed 13,000 square feet of space, including 8 classrooms, a youth center, a chapel, and offices. The total cost of the project was $130,000, with an additional $13,000 to retire parsonage debts, and $10,000 for new furnishings. The church completed the building in 1962, and retired the mortgage a mere six years later.

As I have read through the historical documents to learn about this period of our church’s history, I have come to learn something about how this church defines success and faithfulness. It would be natural to assume that effectively raising $153,000 would best characterize the congregation’s discipleship. But that is not the case. Consider all that has happened in the last fifty years:

Since 1961:
  • 1,593 have joined the church. (In fact, 91% of our current membership has joined since then.)
  • 915 children and adults have been baptized.
  • 527 couples have been married.

Those are the numbers that really matter.

As I have said often over the past four weeks, our current capital campaign is not just about bricks and mortar. It is not just about dead boilers and single-pane windows, and it is not just about raising $1 million dollars to renovate the education wing. What matters most are the people in the future whose lives will be directly impacted by our actions in the present. We must respond to the same challenge that marked the people of 1961, and “pool our resources of time, talent, and substance.”

Rev. Feller reminded the people of their spiritual ancestry, and his words ring just as true for us today: “May we be worthy of their vision and their dedication.”

If you were not in church last Sunday to pick up your commitment card, you will be receiving one in the mail in the next few days. We invite you to prayerfully consider how you will respond, and bring that card with you this Sunday. I would also encourage you to heed the guidance offered in 1961 by the campaign leadership team to people as they considered their own personal commitments:

“My pledge should be…
… one determined after prayer for God’s guidance.
… one that brings an inner conviction of satisfaction.
… one about which I can talk to others without apology.”

We would all do well to follow all three pieces of guidance in preparation for this Sunday.

And, if you have not yet had a chance to attend a home group gathering, plan on coming to one of the three remaining opportunities over the next two nights:

  • Tonight: Dick and Betty Point’s house, 7:00.
  • Wednesday: Here at the Church at 6:30 (hosted by Jeff and Korrie Waldner).
  • Wednesday: Marlin and Sherri Lode’s house, 7:00.

Nearly fifty years after St. Paul’s took a great step of faith and built the education wing, we have a chance to continue that same legacy of faithful diligence and “measure up to the needs of the present and the hopes of the future.” Together in faith, let us build a better future, knowing that countless numbers of people – most of whom we will never know – will be impacted by the decisions we make today.

Indeed, “this is OUR DAY of Christian Responsibility.”

Grace and Peace,


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA 51012
Ph: 712-225-3955

The youth will be traveling to the Midwest Christian Children’s Home near Peterson, Iowa, to deliver donated items and interact with the residents. Items will be purchased using funds raised from their November cinnamon roll sale. Youth grades 7-12 are invited to meet at the church at 1:30 and will return by 4:30.

Rehearsals for this year’s Children’s Christmas Program take place during the Sunday school hour on December 5 and 12, as well as the next two Wednesdays, from 3:45-4:45pm. PreK and K children are not required to attend the Wednesday practices. For more information, contact Korrie Waldner.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


November 25, 2010

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

Happy Thanksgiving!

I trust that on this day and over the long weekend, you will have ample opportunities to offer thanks for all the many blessings in your life. May your days be filled with the comforts of family and friends, a sense of peaceful contentment, and the promise of a future secure in God’s love.

May you also take a moment to give thanks for the ongoing work of St. Paul’s as it fulfills its mission of putting God’s love into action by transforming lives, improving the community, and changing the world. I invite you to read through each of the submissions in our Daily Devotional Booklet, available in the church office. We asked each contributor to reflect on the question, “How have I seen God’s love put into action through the St. Paul’s community?” Of particular interest is today’s reading, from C.W. Miller.

From the moment C.W. first started attending St. Paul’s a few years ago, he was eager to grow in his faith and become active in the church. I did not fully know C.W.’s story until later, when he shared the amazing work of transformation that God had been doing in his life. As you read his story below, remember that C.W. is one of the many reasons St. Paul’s exists.

He Loves Even Me”
When I ponder the phrase God’s love in action, I can’t help but reflect on my past. I had a time in my life when I was the prodigal son when it came to my faith. At times I was so wrapped up in the world that I had little use for other people and even less regard from them. I was able to act the part of being a constructive member of society for the most part, but unless you had something I wanted, or needed your help, I really didn’t care. There were a lot of people who did not like me at that point. I couldn’t blame them; I didn’t like me much either. I tried to fill that hole in my life with several hobbies, and when that didn’t work, I tried to find comfort in the bottom of a bottle. Luckily God saw to it that I did have some true friends who called me on my behavior. It was because of one in particular that I made a decision not to continue with the life of dependency on worldly elixirs.

God continued to provide help for me as I started my new path. He put people in my life who where able to provide the guidance I needed, sometimes with gentle coaxing, sometimes with blunt honesty. I was forced to take a moral inventory of myself. It was at that point when I was sure all was lost, God gave me a wonderful gift. On a particularly bad night I asked God for help, or I was going to the liquor store. I went to bed early that night to avoid the potential. The next morning I awoke and my desire to drink was gone. God loved me even in that broken state, just the way I was; however, he loves me too much to let me remain in that state. He called to me through loosely remembered bits of His word from back in the days I went to church in my youth. I became hungrier for more of His word and started to listen to Christian radio, something that I had openly shunned. That led to coming to this church without having it feel like a funeral or wedding.

Yes, looking back on my life I have no doubt in my mind that I desperately need Christ to be my savior in order to receive forgiveness. I am amazed at God’s Love in Action, and that he loves even me.

C.W. Miller


I love C.W.’s line: God loved me even in that broken state, just the way I was; however, he loves me too much to let me remain in that state. That is about as good a definition of grace that I’ve read. And it’s because of that grace that we exist as a church: to reach out to more people with a love that meets them where they are, but loves them too much to leave them there.

Lest you think otherwise, our capital campaign is not just about bricks and mortar. It’s not about building monuments to ourselves. It’s about creating a movement of God’s spirit that will continue working in the lives of people. It’s about equipping future generations of this church with the best possible tools to make a difference. This Sunday, we’ll focus our attention on Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish builders in Matthew 7:24-27. And after the service, you’ll want to pick up your commitment packet that contains your pledge card. Please spend next week prayerfully considering how you will be a part of Commitment Sunday on December 5, and help to build a better future.

May we all take time over these days to be thankful for what God is doing in and through the people of St. Paul’s.

Grace and Peace,


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA 51012
Ph: 712-225-3955


If you haven’t yet had a chance to attend one of our home group gatherings, there are several opportunities to do so next week. You will have a chance, in an informal setting, to learn more about the renovation project and ask questions. The time will last about an hour and a half and will begin with refreshments provided by the host family. The program will include an informative (and very entertaining!) 13-minute video, a brief stewardship Bible study, and a talk by one of our presenters. You’ll have a chance to ask questions, offer comments, and be better prepared to make your commitment on December 5.

Please sign up for one of the following groups, either by marking your preference on a bulletin attendance sheet, at the sign-up table in the narthex this Sunday, or by response to this e-mail or to Andrea Cook at acook@cherokeespumc.org If you have any special needs that would prevent you from attending one of these sessions, such as a ride or a sitter for your children, please contact our Special Needs Coordinator Sheree Hausmann or indicate it on your attendance form.

Mon, Nov 29 Roni Timmerman, 7:00pm
Mon, Nov 29 Gene & Jean Anderson, 7:00pm
Tues, Nov 30 Dick and Betty Point, 7:00pm
Wed, Dec 1 Jeff and Korrie Waldner (here at the church), 6:30pm
Wed, Dec 1 Marlin and Sherri Lode, 7:00pm

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Together in Faith

November 16, 2010

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

Did you know that nearly forty years ago, the people of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church said a prayer for you? That’s right, you! During their worship service on October 24, 1971, the congregation included the following as part of their morning prayer:

For every opportunity for service in the spirit of Jesus in all the changing circumstances of our fast moving life, and to carry the spirit of Jesus to future generations, we pledge our loyalty to thee, O Lord, and our support to the church universal.

Our spiritual ancestors made a promise to God that they would be faithful to whatever God was calling them to do, to ensure that the faith was passed on to people like us. We have inherited the privilege of being part of that same family, and we have that same responsibility to ensure the faith for future generations.

Two years ago, this congregation adopted the 20/20 Vision Plan, which included among its goals a comprehensive renovation of the Education Wing. After more than a year of listening, studying, and planning, the Building Committee, along with critical feedback from you along the way, has put together an exciting plan to modernize our campus, emphasizing energy efficiency throughout the building.

It is now our turn to do for the next generation what our forerunners did for us: carry the spirit of Jesus to future generations.

That’s what this Capital Campaign is all about. It’s titled “Together in Faith: Building a Better Future,” and it invites us on a journey toward claiming God’s future for St. Paul’s. You may have already received the information brochures that detail both the General Budget and the Building Renovation. Please read through those materials and inform yourself with the details. In addition, here are ways that you can participate in this great adventure:

  • Join us this Sunday, November 21. You will receive a devotional booklet containing powerful articles written by members of the church who reflect on the question, “How have I witness God’s Love in Action through St. Paul’s?” In addition, Kevin Gowdy, our capital campaign consultant, will be our guest preacher.

  • Participate in one of the home-based small group gatherings that will begin next Monday, which will give you the most detailed look at the upcoming renovation and give you a chance to share your feedback. Sign up on an attendance form or on the tables in the narthex this Sunday, or you can e-mail Andrea Cook (acook@cherokeespumc.org). A full schedule is included below.

  • Celebrate with us on December 5, when we will offer our commitment cards to support the Capital Campaign and the annual Stewardship Campaign.

Just like forty years ago, you have a unique chance to “pledge your loyalty to God.” Join us for this great opportunity to share in the next great chapter of our life together, and to put God’s Love into Action.

Grace and Peace,


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA 51012
Ph: 712-225-3955

One of the most important ways you can participate in our building campaign is by attending one of the following home group gatherings. You will have a chance, in an informal setting, to learn more about the renovation project and ask questions. The time will last about an hour and a half and will begin with refreshments provided by the host family. The program will include an informative (and very entertaining!) 13-minute video, a brief stewardship Bible study, and a talk by one of our presenters. You’ll have a chance to ask questions, offer comments, and be better prepared to make your commitment on December 5.

Please sign up for one of the following groups, either by marking your preference on a bulletin attendance sheet, at the sign-up table in the narthex this Sunday, or by response to this e-mail or to Andrea Cook at acook@cherokeespumc.org If you have any special needs that would prevent you from attending one of these sessions, such as a ride or a sitter for your children, please contact our Special Needs Coordinator Sheree Hausmann or indicate it on your attendance form.

Mon, Nov 22 John and Kay O'Connor, 6:30pm
Mon, Nov 22 Tom & Corrine Lundell, 7:00pm
Tues, Nov 23 Evan and Nancy Knapp, 7:00pm
Mon, Nov 29 Roni Timmerman, 7:00pm
Mon, Nov 29 Gene & Jean Anderson, 7:00pm
Tues, Nov 30 Dick and Betty Point, 7:00pm
Wed, Dec 1 Jeff and Korrie Waldner (here at the church), 6:30pm
Wed, Dec 1 Marlin and Sherri Lode, 7:00pm

Following the service this Sunday, you are invited to join us downstairs in the Fellowship Hall for our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon. Turkey and all the fixings will be provided, and please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Next week the deVegas will be driving down to Florida to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with family and friends. They will be leaving this Friday and returning the Saturday after Thanksgiving. In the event of an emergency, please contact the church office.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Another Great Year

November 10, 2010

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

For those of you not in attendance at Monday night's night’s Charge Conference, I’d like to share with you my pastor’s report that was included in the packet of material. It is a kind of “state of the church” summary of all that we have experienced and achieved in the past year. The process of writing this report is becoming one of my favorite activities every year, as it gives me a chance to reflect on all that we have done together to put God’s love into action. This year was no exception:

Pastor’s Report
St. Paul’s UMC Charge Conference
November 8, 2010
Magrey R. deVega

The best way to evaluate this past year and celebrate all the ways that St. Paul’s has put God’s love into action is to consider our four-fold mission statement:

WORSHIP: We worship with joy, because Christ is among us and deserves our praise.
Worship continues to be central to the life of the St. Paul’s community. Every Sunday is filled with opportunities to experience God and grow in our faith through dynamic, diverse, excellent worship experiences. This past year saw changes in worship leadership, as we welcomed Larry Hunecke as our new Chancel Choir Director and Joe Vannatta as our Bell Choir Director. We give thanks to Sherry Held and Amy Stief for their wonderful service in those capacities prior to the new hires.
Our sermon series have been varied and relevant, and have included series titled, “Believe It or Not,” “Facing Life with Faith,” “The Seven Next Words of Christ,” “The Hebrews Hall of Fame,” and a series on Elijah and Elisha.

GROW: We grow in our faith, practicing every day what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
We continue to make progress on our goal of starting new small groups every year and anticipate having a total of six new small groups started in the next few months.
Children’s and Youth Ministry continue to be vibrant and active. The youth went on a Ski Trip in February, and did a service project at the Midwest Christian Children’s Home last December. The Children had another wonderful Vacation Bible School and Children’s Sabbath, and raised money for the program called Kids Against Hunger.

CARE: We care for each other as an encouraging, supportive, and growing family.
The Helping Hands program, under the guidance of Sheree Hausmann and Marlene Kelly, continues to link the skills and energy of people in the congregation with those in need. The Visitation Program continues to link lay visitors with shut-ins and homebound persons. They receive audio recordings of the service and a bulletin, and check on them for pastoral and personal concerns. We are grateful for the wonderful team of visitors who make these connections every week.
St. Paul’s added two new Alcoholics Anonymous groups, both of which meet at noon every week, to bring to five the total number of AA groups hosted by the church. St. Paul’s continues to be the center of recovery and support in Cherokee, including Moms on Meth, Narcotics Anonymous, and the Foster Care Review Board.
As always, our Funeral Luncheon Team continues to provide an amazing level of generous hospitality for families grieving the loss of loved ones. Theirs was a formidable task repeated dozens of times over the past year, and they provided wonderful luncheons with grace and warmth. Thanks to Phyllis Parrott and Donna Henrich for their coordination.

SHARE: We share with others to meet their physical and spiritual needs, and invite all people to faith in Christ.
God’s love has been put into action in remarkable ways this year. We are on track once again to achieve Third-Mile Status with the Conference’s Rainbow Covenant Missions initiative, including first-time offerings for the Iowa-Nigeria Partnership and the P.E.T. Project. In fact, a sizeable offering of $1,600 was received for P.E.T., enough to purchase four mobile transportation units for immobilized people around the world.
We made strides in offering our time and energy as well. St. Paul’s and the wider United Methodist Church were recognized by the Cherokee City Hall for their local relief efforts following the devastating flash floods in June.
Of course, February featured another successful Great Cherokee Pancake Day Race and Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. The event raised the visibility of both St. Paul’s and the town of Cherokee, including terrific coverage by KTIV television news, the Sioux City Journal, and local newspaper and radio. It raised several hundred dollars for the two local food pantries and involved dozens of runners. We look forward to next year’s race in March, as hopefully warmer weather will further increase the number of racers and participants.
This year saw the inauguration of our participation in Soles4Souls, an initiative that collects shoes of any size, style, or condition and sends them to needy people around the world. This year has been a tremendous success, as over 400 pairs of shoes have been collected and distributed.

Finally, this past year saw improvements to the campus and plans for the next renovation. We completed the addition of a new parking lot across the south alley that increased the number of handicap-accessible spaces. The Building Committee worked with an architect to develop plans for renovation to the Education Wing, including several feedback sessions with the congregation. What has emerged is an exciting plan for improved energy efficiency throughout the building along with other infrastructural improvements. This project will prepare the eastern part of our campus for state-of-the-art, environmentally responsible ministry for generations to come.
To that end, we are moving into our Capital Campaign titled “Together in Faith” in the middle of November. We hope to raise close to $1 million, so that renovation can begin early 2011. We are eager to see the Spirit move through the congregation’s generosity and faithful commitments.

Once again, these are exciting days to be a part of St. Paul’s UMC. I count it a deep privilege to have served another year as this church’s pastor, and I look forward to another great year of putting God’s love into action.

Grace and Peace,


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA 51012
Ph: 712-225-3955

I am currently in Leesburg, Florida, spending a week with the Florida Annual Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. We are reviewing applications of candidates for ordained ministry. Thank you for your prayers for safe travel and discernment for this and other conference boards across the connection as we do this important work.

Join us as we begin this exciting new chapter in the life of St. Paul’s. Our campaign is titled “Together in Faith: Building a Better Future.” As part of our campaign, we are inviting people to bring in pictures and other personal items that share your favorite Thanksgiving and Advent/Christmas memories. Thanksgiving items will be displayed in the narthex on November 21, and Advent items on November 28. You can be bring them to the church office any time before then, and they will be secured for safe keeping and returned to you. For more information, contact Nancy Knapp.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Remembering the Saints

November 2, 2010

Prior to Keith Willis’ funeral service last September, I had never experienced the stirring ritual called “The Last Page,” performed by Keith’s fellow comrades in the Cherokee Fire Department. At the conclusion of his service, about thirty firefighters stood in silent reverence as twenty bells were rung in his honor. The Fire Chief then turned up his communication radio to full volume, so that all in the sanctuary could hear the station dispatcher call out Keith’s “Last Page.” She recited the following, each line separated by a few seconds of silence, and ending with the date of his death:

“Paging Keith Willis….”
“Paging Keith Willis….”
“Last page for Keith Willis….”
“Wednesday, September 22, 2010.”

I looked across the congregation and failed to see a dry eye. This was a stirring tribute to a man who had responded to every call in his life, as an active part of this town, a faithful disciple at St. Paul’s, and a self-giving member of the fire department. When the final bells rang and we heard his name uttered one last time, we knew he had answered his final call: the call to come home.

I’m thinking about Keith as we approach this Sunday, along with the thirteen other members of this church who have died since last November. We will remember each one at the start of our All Saints’ Sunday celebration, by chiming a bell, lighting a candle, calling their names, and standing in their honor.

Worship will include several moments that remind us that we gather in the company of these beloved people, in mysterious communion with Christ and the saints of the church. When we utter the Lord’s Prayer, we will hear their echoes as forerunners to the faith. When we affirm the Apostle’s Creed, we will be illumined by their example as ones who lived out their convictions. And when we gather around the communion table, we will share in their presence, participating in a dynamic remembrance of a Christ who is always with us.

The service will also serve as a springboard into an important moment in the history of St. Paul’s. The following Sunday, November 14, we will begin our Capital Campaign, and prepare our hearts and minds for commitment to the work of God’s church. Let us remember the sacrifice and generosity of our dearly departed loved ones, and carry out their example in the spirit of our campaign theme: “Together in Faith: Building a Better Future.” Just like Keith any many others before us, let us respond to the call, and move forward in faith.

Grace and Peace,


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA 51012
Ph: 712-225-3955

All hands on deck! We need lots of volunteers to help make this Saturday’s Ingathering another success. The Hy-Vee truck will be at the Sanford Medical Equipment store to be loaded from 7:30 to 11:30. Please join us for all or part of that time to help pack and load boxes of kits for needy people all around the world. Then, at 2:30, the regional delivery truck will be here and people are needed to help transfer those boxes for delivery. Please contact Roni Timmerman for more information.

Just a reminder, this weekend marks the end of Daylight Savings Time. Please change your clocks back one hour before you go to bed Saturday night.

We will be hosting several area churches this Monday night for our annual cluster charge conference on November 8, at 6:00pm. St. Paul’s will be celebrating another great year of ministry, and we will be voting on this year’s budget, mission priorities, and pastoral compensation package. Every member of the church is a voting member of the charge conference.

As part of our capital campaign, we are inviting people to bring in pictures and other personal items that share your favorite Thanksgiving and Advent/Christmas memories. Thanksgiving items will be displayed in the narthex on November 21, and Advent items on November 28. You can be bring them to the church office any time before then, and they will be secured for safe keeping and returned to you. For more information, contact Nancy Knapp.