Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Power to Be Brave

June 17, 2008

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

Last Wednesday morning at Vacation Bible School, the Bible point for the day was, “Jesus gives us the power to be brave!”

Throughout the day the kids learned the story of how Peter kept his focus on Jesus in the midst of the storm and defied the odds by walking on water.  After reading the story in the Bible, they acted it out in a makeshift boat, and then - thanks to a nifty trick with a tub of water and fifty pounds of corn starch – got to walk on water themselves!  One teacher said that the kids were so caught in the suspense of the story that they as they took turns stepping out of the boat and into the storm, there was stunned silence.  Somehow, the kids recognized the importance of this lesson.  

They were right.

The application of the story would come a few hours later, as tornado sirens blared across Cherokee and residents huddled in their basements.  As the massive storm front headed our way, and visible cloud circulation hovered above us, we were like the disciples in the boat all over again.  And at evening’s end, when the storms passed over us without a single touch down in our immediate area, we breathed a collective sigh of relief.  

The next morning, as I was walking into the church,  two kids rode up on their bikes ready for VBS Day 4.  “Pastor Magrey!” one of them shouted.  “Did you hear the sirens last night?”  “I did,” I said, hoping they wouldn’t ask me if I was scared.  I didn’t want to have to lie.    

The other boy quickly jumped in.  “I heard them, too, but I wasn’t scared.  Jesus gives me the power to be brave!”

It was a sentiment echoed consistently throughout the morning.  From the youngest to the oldest, kids were saying that they remembered Peter and the storm, and remembered to keep their focus on the One who could silence their storms of fear and panic.  


It was not the only lesson the kids learned last week.  Upon hearing the story of Jesus healing the man born blind, the children learned another important VBS Bible point:  “Jesus gives us the power to help others!”

And did these children ever learn this lesson well.  As we watched news reports of waters rising in Cedar Rapids and much of Central and Eastern Iowa, and as the children remembered the kids who lost everything from tornadoes in Parkersburg, IA just weeks ago, the kids responded.  They broke open their piggy banks and cobbled together their nickels and quarters.  They did extra chores for money and searched high and low for loose change.  (From the stories I’ve heard from parents throughout the week, I have a strong suspicion that Methodist homes in Cherokee now have the cleanest sofa cushions in town!)  And by the end of the week,
your children collected over $400.00 for storm relief that will go directly to the devastated families in Iowa!

What’s more, you helped the kids learn an even bigger lesson last Sunday:  when they give, it inspires others to do the same.  From their example, you responded to my challenge of matching their gifts with a remarkable contribution of over $900.00!

This week,
we will be sending over $1,300 to disaster relief in the Iowa Conference, thanks to this Jesus, who gives us the power to help others!


As we pray for waters to abate throughout the state, God is calling us to respond with our time and energy, as well as our financial assistance.  On Monday, clergy across the Conference received the first request for volunteer teams to serve immediately in relief and recovery efforts, specifically in the Cedar Rapids area.  Some of you have already expressed an interest in helping.

If you would like to offer your assistance and spend a day or a weekend giving your time and energy, please contact the church office.  We will determine the soonest possible time frame to go, and likely do so in partnership with surrounding churches.  If you are unable to go, we will soon be letting the congregation know of items most needed in those devastated areas, and you will be able to bring your donations to the church.

For the latest Conference updates on storm relief, visit www.iaumc.org.  And for more information about teams serving in the Cedar Rapids area, visit www.fumcmarion.org.

There is no better time to celebrate and utilize the blessings of the United Methodist connectional system.  Together, let us serve this Jesus, who “gives us the power to help others!”

Grace and Peace,


The Rev. Magrey R. deVega
St. Paul's United Methodist Church
531 W. Main St.
Cherokee, IA  51012
Ph:  712-225-3955


Last Sunday we concluded our five-part series on the heritage, doctrine, practice, and mission of the United Methodist Church.  I am grateful for the many small groups that have formed and for the many who are following our “Month of Living Wesleyan” guidebook.  Following Wesley’s command to observe communion constantly, join us for a 30-minute communion service in the prayer chapel Wednesday morning at 8am.  

Given the many requests for audio copies of the sermons from this series, we are making them available to you in a number of ways:

    1)  You can purchase all 5 sermons on CD from the church office for $10.
    2)  Borrow a set of the sermons from the church library.
    3)  Download .mp3’s of the sermons for free from our blogsite at blog.cherokeespumc.org or through our iTunes podcast.


Join us this Sunday for the start of a new series based on the Bible’s most deeply personal and genuinely human books.  The Psalms have served as a comfort and a challenge to countless Christians over the generations, and you will not want to miss the inspiring messages of these “Songs from the Soul.”

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