Dear St. Paul’s Family,
‘Twas the night before Caucus, and the stage had been set,
As Iowans were saying, “Ain’t this thing over yet?”
It is Caucus Eve, and all eyes throughout the political universe are watching the Hawkeye State. Little old us. A state with a population that is roughly 1/100th the population of the entire country, in which only 6 percent of us are actually expected to caucus, holds in its hands the fate of the next leader of the free world. Even with a good turnout, only about 130,000 Iowans are expected to culminate a two-year courtship that saw about a dozen suitors woo us with handshakes, campaign promises and a seemingly endless barrage of television ads. Even as I write this, my phone has just rung with yet another recorded message from a campaign begging for my support.
As a fresh Iowa transplant and first-time caucus-goer, my intrigue has been largely procedural. How does one caucus, and what can one expect? I am much more used to private voting booths, in my own little self-enclosed, touch-screen world. Standing in a large room to make one’s support public sounds bold, chaotic, and wildly unpredictable. But I do know something about messy elections. Remember, I come from a state in which in which the simple matter of voting gets screwed up. Mention the words “butterfly” and “ballot” in the same sentence to a Floridian and he is likely to cower in shame. So compared to what I’m used to, caucusing should be a breeze.
If you decide to caucus tomorrow, I pray God’s wisdom on your decision, and that your support may be shaped both by your concerns as a citizen and your conscience as a Christian. We are richly privileged with the opportunity to dictate the course of this election and, ultimately, the country and the world.
This Sunday we observe Epiphany Sunday, marking the magi’s visit of the baby Jesus. While not technically a part of the birth narrative, the arrival of the magi is an important piece of the proclamation that God’s new light has entered the world. Against the fear, paranoia, and violence of King Herod, Jesus offered peace, hope, and love. And the magi were caught in the middle. Would they return in allegiance to their master, or become followers of this new way, this new King?
This service is the first in a new series called, “New Year – New You!” and offers answers to some of our deepest questions about life, purpose, and meaning. There is certain to be an upcoming service that addresses the longings of your heart, so I encourage you to join us for this journey. And there is sure to be someone you know that is asking tough questions about their life, so please invite them to come along. Here is the ad and the copy for the new series, distributed on Christmas Eve:
Once Christmas is over, we begin the task of looking ahead to the new year, leaving behind the highs and lows of 2007 and moving into a new future of hope and promise. What kind of life do you hope to live in the coming year? And might this Christ child, born once again in your heart, make a difference in how you will live?
Join us for a special sermon series called “New Year – New You!”, designed to help us usher in a new season of joy, strength, and real life. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to see how God can help you live the life you were created to live!
January 6 A New Start: Where Can I Find Real Life? Matthew 2:1-12
January 13 A New You: What Is My Life Worth? Matthew 3:13-17
January 20 A New Strength: How Do I Deal With Temptation? Matthew 4:1-11
January 27 A New Purpose: Can I Make a Difference? Matthew 5:1-15
February 3 A New Life: Will I Make Jesus Lord? Matthew 17:1-9
See you on Sunday! Happy New Year, and Happy Caucusing!
Grace and Peace,
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